Are you a Scottish Power customer with a traditional meter installed at your property? Maybe it’s time to consider whether a smart meter could offer a better solution for you instead?
If you are keen to find out more about smart meters, the installation process and get answers to your questions about how they work, we have the information you need. Check out our handy guide to find out more.

Understanding What a Smart Meter Is
A smart meter is like a traditional meter in that it measures each unit of energy you use, showing you readings as you go. However, smart meters are different to traditional meters as they connect to a central network that is powered by mobile phone masts. This connection allows the smart meter to share information with Scottish Power, keeping your readings up to date and accurate at all times.
How Scottish Power Are Rolling Out Smart Meters
If a smart meter is possible for your property, Scottish Power will work to provide you with an appointment if you want one. Most traditional meters can be easily replaced with smart version and Scottish Power are offering installation appointments to customers regardless of their geographical location.
The Cost of Installing a Scottish Power Smart Meter
If you’ve been avoiding, getting a smart meter because you are worried about the cost of installation then don’t delay any longer. Smart meters are free and so is the installation, meaning that you can get a brand-new meter and home display to help you save money rather than spending any. The only exception to the rule is when you make a request to change the location of your meter and in these cases, you will need to pay for the work to move it, but not the smart meter or the actual installation of the meter to the new location.
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How Can I Book My Smart Meter Appointment?
If you are ready to arrange a smart meter installation at your property, then all you need to do is head over to their online booking page and pick an appointment that works for you. Scottish Power are committed to arranging appointments as quickly as possible and will try to get your meter installed within 14 days. During the installation visit, your engineer will fit the new meter, remove the old one and clean up after themselves as well as talking you through how to use your meter to the best effect – it’s quick, simple, and hassle-free, so why not arrange your appointment today if you want to get one for your property?
How to Read Scottish Power Meters
Reading your meter isn’t necessary once you’ve switched to a smart meter. However, many people still like to check their meter every now and again. When you want to check yours, press the green A button on the meter twice then navigate through the menu until you reach a screen that says ‘Rate 01 Act Imp’ or ‘Total Act Import’ as there will be a meter reading displayed alongside the words. If you have a two-rate meter, scroll again to get to the screen that says ‘Total Act Import 2’ or ‘Rate 02 Act Imp’ to get your second reading.
How to Top Up Scottish Power Meters
Your new Scottish Power prepayment meter is not only going to be smaller and more compact, it will also be easier to top up! No longer will you have to pop to the shop for credit as you can download an app to your smartphone that you can use to manually top up or set up automatic top ups. Don’t want to use an app? You can also top up online or over the phone – making it easier than ever before.
How Smart Meters Can Make Your Energy Work Hard for You
With so much information available, you may think that you already know everything there is to know about smart meters. However, have you stopped to consider the benefits you will enjoy when you get one installed? Check out the main ones here:
- Simple to Read Display – your free home display unit will show you exactly how much you have used and how much you have spent to help you keep on top of your bills.
- Easy Meter Readings – as your new smart meter will be connected to a central network you can look forward to your meter readings being sent automatically, saving you the hassle. Pick from monthly daily or half-hourly reads.
- Climate Friendly Solution – as smart meters give you a greater insight into your usage, you can use the information to reduce your bills and support the environment by stopping any wastage.
- Accurate Billing – with your meter reads being sent automatically, you will find that your bill are accurate every time, unless there is a gap in communication between your meter and the network.
- Pay As You Go Options – if you use a prepayment meter then a smart prepayment meter is sure to impress. Top up via the companion app manually or automatically or choose to pop to the shop to top up if you prefer it that way.
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Further Questions and Answers About Smart Meters
To help you make a well-informed decision, we’ve shared some of the most important questions and answers about smart meters and smart meter installation – check them out now:
Do Smart Meters Really Save Me Money?
While your energy won’t be cheaper with a smart meter, you are more likely to monitor your usage and look for new ways to reduce what you use. Your home display will show you instantly if your energy saving ideas are working and the long-term savings will become more clear, the longer you use the smart meter and companion display.
Will My Smart Meter Installation Leave a Mess?
All smart meter engineers work hard to leave as little disorder and disruption behind them, making sure that they clean up once they are finished. In complex installations, there can be some cosmetic work that needs to be addressed but they will do their best to make sure it is minimal. If you are unhappy with the way your engineer leaves your property, you should contact Scottish Power as soon as possible so that they can investigate and rectify any issues.
Are There Any Customers That Can’t Have a Smart Meter?
There are always some exceptions to the rule when it comes to smart meter installation. Scottish Power do not currently offer smart meters to customers with Economy 7 or properties that have a poor signal. However, this is constantly being reviewed and changed, so keep an eye out for updates that they send you.
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